Bella Vista Church of Christ

We're here to unite Northwest Arkansas through the love of Christ and a clear understanding of the Bible.

A Place to Grow in Love

Bella Vista Church of Christ is a church of God's people, followers of Christ. It's a place to grow deeper, move closer, and reach farther in our love for Jesus and others. We invite you on this journey!

We're looking for a Youth Minister!

Do you find yourself seeking:

  • A sense of comfort you are saved and will be in Heaven?
  • A closer relationship with the Lord?
  • Confidence in your faith?
  • Growth in your knowledge of the truth?
  • Belonging with the church family?
  • Feeling loved and cared for?
  • Peace during life's storms?

All of these things are available through the grace and mercy of God. As a Church of Christ, we're here to help you discover this truth on a deep and meaningful level.

Our Ministries

Securing the Gift Conference

"For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

ROMANS 8:38-39

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