Going Out on a Limb for Jesus | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Going Out on a Limb for Jesus

Bella Vista Church of Christ
Randall Caselman
June 10, 2001

Going Out on a Limb for Jesus

Reading - Luke 19.1-10

Zacchaeus was an outcast. 
In the eyes of Jewish people, he was short in more ways than one.  No doubt, he was the butt of cruel jokes, about his height, in his teen years.  But somewhere on the way to adulthood, Zacchaeus had learned to compensate, to fight back.  So, he climbed the professional ladder.
His ambition drove him to step on anyone who got in his way... Zacchaeus became ruthless.
Now... He stood on the top rung of the ladder... CHIEF Tax Collector... King of the hill.
This man controlled the commerce in all of Jericho... The business and tourist capitol of the Palestinian world.

But there was a price to pay.
-Zacchaeus was a traitor.
-He was an operative of the Roman and Herodian government.
-He had betrayed his own people.
-He was making himself rich at the expense of his fellow Jews.

Yes... Zacchaeus...
-Had power.
-He had wealth.
-He had privilege and prestige.
But the real stature he sought eluded him... He was friendless.  When Zacchaeus walked down the street, no one said:
-Good morning...
-Hello... How are you?
-How are the wife and children?
-No one invited Zacchaeus to lunch or dinner.
INDEED!... Zacchaeus was an outcast among his own people.

But today it didn’t seem to bother him as it usually did.  He appeared preoccupied.  He had heard that Jesus was in town.  Some were even saying that he was the promised Messiah... KING of the Jews!  This Jesus was known for eating, drinking, socializing with tax collectors and sinners.

Zacchaeus had heard about how this Jesus had completely changed the life of Matthew... Levi... The tax man up in Capernaum.  Zacchaeus had heard how that Levi had left everything,
-Not for higher wages,
-But... For no wages at all.
Zacchaeus was captivated by such a thought.
WHY?.. WHY would a man give up such a lucrative position to follow a penniless Rabbi?

So... In the claustrophobic press of the crowd... Zacchaeus climbs a sycamore... Crawls out on a limb for a better look at this Jesus of Nazareth.

Then, there he was, right there under the tree!
Eyes met eyes.
Zacchaeus begin to sweat.  The ledger sheet was unbalanced...
-Money stolen.
-Money extorted.
-Money under the table.
-Profits skimmed off the top.
-Money robbed from God in his tithes and freewill offerings.
Money... Money... Money.... THINGS!!... THINGS!!... THINGS!!

You see... Money... THINGS... MATERIALISM... Was Zacchaeus’ world... It was the bottom line for him... Bottom line in an otherwise bankrupt life.
But this Jesus wasn’t looking for an audit...
-He was looking for sinners.
-He was looking for souls to save.
-He was seeking the lost.
-He was looking for people to go home with.
-Jesus was looking for a friend.
Then... Zacchaeus saw Jesus... REALLY SAW JESUS!

Question!... Have WE seen Jesus?... Really Seen Jesus?... ARE WE WILLING TO GO OUT ON A LIMB TO SEE AND SERVE HIM?

This is our lesson this morning...
Learning how to go out on a limb for Jesus as did Zacchaeus

First... To see Jesus... To go out on a limb for Jesus... We must see ourselves as we are.
People who will really see Jesus must see themselves as they really are... Short... Inadequate.... Sinners.
Romans chapter 3 tells us...
-That all are sinners.
-There is none righteous, no not one.
-That all have come short of God’s glory.

We are not saved in our pride and arrogance.
Prideful... arrogant... people don’t walk church aisles.
Scripture tells us... We must humble ourselves before God.
-Job 22 says... God saves the humble.
-David said... God searches for the broken contrite heart.
-Jesus tells us... The humble will be exalted as greatest in the Kingdom.
Perhaps some of us need to let go of our pride... And admit our dependency upon a God of grace... Instead of our own good works and our own self-righteousness.

Jesus is our example.  In the garden He said, Father,
-I am out on a limb here...
-I need your grace, your mercy, your strength, your help.
-I am inadequate for this occasion.
Help me God... And God did... Luke tells us... He sent angels to minister to Him.

Some of us are like Zacchaeus... We’re out on a limb.
-We think our money, our investments, our financial situation will save us... They won’t.
-We think our good moral behavior will save us... It won’t.
-We think that our church attendance and good works will save us... They won’t.
-We think that our stance for doctrinal purity and church orthodoxy will save us... They won’t.
-We think because our name is on a church role that will save us...  It won’t.
-I know people who think, because they use the KJV that will save them... It won’t.

Some of us need to reread Jesus’ thoughts about the Pharisee and Publican praying in the Temple.... Jesus lets know that:
Begins with seeing ourselves as we really are, sinners.  Sinners in need of continual... Perpetual forgiveness by the blood of Jesus.  Bruce Thieleman tells of being in Europe at one of the great old church buildings.  He tells of standing in front of a statue of Jesus with outstretched arms... Much like in Eureka Springs.  He remarked that Jesus had His eyes closed.  A man standing by him whispered... To see His eyes, you must get on your knees.

Kneeling is such an...
Position... Isn’t it?

Church, do you know why so few of us have experienced the full measure of God’s blessings?
Because... We’re unwilling to climb a tree... Unwilling to get out on a limb to see Jesus.
-Because we are unwilling to get down on our knees.
-We are unwilling to humble ourselves before God.
-We are unwilling to see ourselves as we really are.
But... We can only see Jesus from this position... From HUMILITY!!

Secondly... Are we willing to go out on the limb of obedience?
Jesus said... Zacchaeus... Make haste... Quick... Come down from there.
Verse six says,
-He obeyed...
-He came down...
-And received Him gladly.... King James says... Joyfully.

Have you ever noticed how God’s word is literally filled with promises... All kinds of promises.
Promises that can be ours... IF... IF... IF.... We will be obedient.
If we... Like Zacchaeus... Will do what God asks of us.
-Obey My Word and you can live in this paradise garden forever.
-Build an ark for the saving of you and your house.
-Leave the Ur of the Chaldees and I will make of you a great nation... Bless the world through your seed.
-Be My people Israel and I will give you the Promise Land.
-Come down Zacchaeus and I’ll go home with you.
-Those who overcome, I will give the crown of life, a white robe... My name will be on their
forehead and they will reign with Me forever.
-The new Heaven and the New Earth will be yours forever.

Church... God is the same covenant making... Covenant KEEPING... God He has always been.
Some of us are not as happy as we would like to be... RIGHT?  Have you ever given any thought as to WHY?  Perhaps it’s because we are not obedient.

Audience... Jesus tell us how to be Happy... Contented... Fulfilled people in the Sermon on the Mount.
-Happy are those willing to be humble... Poor in spirit.
-Happy are those who mourn their sin.
-Happy are the meek.
-Happy are those who have a hunger and thirst for what is right.
-Happiness is found in extending mercy to others.
-Happiness is becoming a peacemaker.
-Happiness is standing for right... Even in the face of persecution.

Do we really want happiness?... Then we must be obedient.
Do we really want forgiveness of our sins?... Then be obedient.
Do we really want to go to heaven?... Then be obedient.
Folks, it’s just that simple.  God has always demanded obedience from His people.  This principle is redundantly taught, from Genesis 3 through Revelation 22.
Go out on a limb for Jesus... Be OBEDIENT... See Jesus!!

Thirdly... Like Zacchaeus... We must be willing to take Him home with us. 
All too often... We want to leave Jesus in the church house. 
Jesus... You stay down here at 71 & County Road 40.  We’ve built you a 750,000 dollar house... Can’t you be satisfied?
I don’t want you to bother...
-My business...
-My home life...
-My money...
-My entertainment choices...
-My internet surfing...
-My prejudices and politics.
You see... Some of us are unwilling to go out on a limb to see and serve Jesus... RIGHT?
-Have no other God’s before me.
-Love God with all your heart, mind, body and soul.
-Seek you first the Kingdom of heaven.
Scripture repeatedly tells us that God must be Lord of all, or not Lord at all.

In New Testament Christianity... God makes his home...
-Not in church buildings...
-Not in temples made with hands...
But WHERE?... In the human heart.
God help us restore such a concept.

I made this same point once in a sermon.  An individual said... If this is true, then why don’t we tear down all the church buildings?  My reply was and is this...  If, the only time we see Jesus is here at the building, then we need to tear it down.

Number four... We must see Jesus in others.
The people of Jericho came to see Jesus... But they murmured... They muttered... They complained... They whined...  Do you see that in verse 7?
What some saw that day was one sinner eating with another sinner.  But not Zacchaeus!
We must know this tonight that...
-The Body of Christ...
-The Bride of Christ...
-The Church of Christ...
-The Kingdom of God...
-The household... The family of God...
Upon this earth is His people.

How we treat one another is how we treat Jesus.
How we see one another is how we see Jesus.
How we talk about one another is how we talk about Jesus.
How we SERVE others is how we SERVE Jesus
John writes, If anyone says... I love God...  Yet hates his brother, he is a not telling the truth.  For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.  And he has given us this command:  Whoever loves God must also love his brother.  Jesus said, as often as you do it unto the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto Me.

Note this, church... This is important...
When Zacchaeus saw Jesus, for who He really was... Zacchaeus’ attitude toward other people changed immediately... And the same thing will happen to us... Trust me it will!!
This is crucial to seeing and serving Jesus.
This is crucial to genuine New Testament Christianity.
Be like the Good Samaritan... Go out on a limb... See others as they are... Children of God... Those made in His image.

Here is a limb we resist... The limb of REPENTANCE.
Today... as then... Jesus is seen and served by those who are willing to change the way they live... Do you see this in verse 8?
-I give half of my possessions to the poor...
-I will restore four-fold to those I may have cheated.
The law required a thief to return two fold.
And if the thief confessed... As did Zacchaeus... He was to make restitution plus an additional one-fifth.
This Jewish principle is recorded in Exodus 22.1 and Numbers 5.7

You see,
-Zacchaeus is turning his life around.
-Zacchaeus is turning over a new leaf.
 This is what repentance means.  People who really see Jesus want to change the way they live.
Look closely church, what we are seeing here is a rich man going through an eye of a needle... Are we willing?... We... Like Zacchaeus are rich in this world’s goods.

These verses teach that Biblical repentance demands restitution where restitution is possible.
Audience... Just walking church aisles is not repentance... A changed life is.

In conclusion, we note that going out on a limb for Jesus is equivalent to salvation...
Note verse 9:  Today... Salvation has come to your house.
Jesus came to seek and save the lost.
How about it this morning
-Are you lost?
-Is there any doubt at all about your relationship to this Jesus of Nazareth?

Are we willing to go out on a limb for Jesus??
-See ourselves as we are?
-Be obedient?
-Take Jesus home with us?
-Serve the Jesus in others?
-And live a changed life?

Well... Go with me now back to Jericho, some 30... 40 years later.  The sun is just coming up over the hills outside the city.  An old man emerges from an ornery Jewish household... Small in stature.  He walks bent over with age, and with a slow gate.  He’s carrying a clay pot.  Let’s follow him..  He stops at the edge of town under a large sycamore, turns the clay pot upside down.  Water runs along the roots.  If we look closely, we can see his lips moving... Wonder what he is saying?  As he walks back toward the house the sun is up... People are on the street
-Hi Zacchaeus.
-Good morning Zacchaeus.
-How are the wife and those grandchildren?
-How about supper tonight at our house?
He is no longer an outcast.  He has found the stature, he once sought in vain.
Zacchaeus found all this, by going out on a limb for Jesus.

We too can find salvation in His name by...
-And New Testament baptism, immersion in water for the forgiveness of sins.

Perhaps... Like Zacchaeus... We have some repenting to do.

The invitation is ours... As we stand and sing this song together.
Will you come to Jesus?

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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