Procrastination!! | Bella Vista Church of Christ


Procrastination, The Whisper Of Satan
Randall Caselman


The Whisper Of Satan

Teach us to number our days. Psalm 90.12
Be careful then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity. Ephesians 5:15-16
The Greeks had two words for time.
• Chronos is the time we measure with watches and calendars. This word is where we get our English word chronology.
• Kairos is: The right time, The opportune time, The moment pregnant with possibilities.
David and Paul are saying, make the most of kairos. Seize every
opportunity. Do not let any kairos slip away. We have little control over our chronos, but all control over how we act and react to kairos.The abuse of kairos, putting it off, not making the most of our opportunities, procrastination, has no place in the life of a Christian. Procrastination blinds us to the kairos moments of life.
Why do we put off what we know is right? Because Satan Whispers....
You Have Plenty Of Time.
I wonder how often I have regretted listening to this whisper. A lady in the church was sick. I intended to call her, visit, encourage, say thank you, tell her I loved her and was with her in spirit and prayer. I didn't. I'll have more time tomorrow. Then word came, she was gone. I'm sorry. We may not have plenty of time to visit with mom, dad, the children, to say I love you.
To encourage.
To be a better spouse.
To do some good work.
To serve others.
To obey God.
Number your days. Be careful how you live...make the most of every opportunity. Do not let any kairos moments slip away.
You Need The Rest.
Laziness!! Ah Yes, Satan whispers this so often, and we fall for it every time whether we've been working hard or not. Selfishness and egotism gives us this opportunity passing rationalization. But the bottom line is, we're lazy!
It Is Not That Important.
Serving others, footwashing is not important enough for my attention. Satan says:
Don't involve yourself in menial tasks!
You are too talented for such things.
Your energy must be reserved for the big opportunities.
You are executive material.
Jesus says, He that would be great in the Kingdom, let him serve. We must not allow the world to force us into its mold.
You're Having Too Much Fun
To Stop. How many things do we put off, leave undone, simply because we don't want to stop doing what we are doing? We intend to change. We intend to obey the gospel. We intend to be a better parent, stop drinking, stop our pursuit of materialism, start visiting the sick, be more evangelistic, transform our life into the image of Jesus...but not yet!
Change me lord - Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
You Might Fail.
Our focus is on success. This false value keeps many from being who God wants them to be.
• The Prodigal failed as a son.
• Abraham and Sarah failed in faith.
• David failed as a father.
• Peter failed as a friend.
• John Mark failed as a missionary.
I have failed. You will fail. Don't be afraid of failure. We are all failures saved by grace.
Shakespeare causes Brutus to say to Cassius in Julius Caesar, There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood, leads to fortune, omitted, all the voyages of life are bound in the shallows and in miseries. It is on such a full sea we are now afloat. We must take the current when it serves
or lose our ventures.
Procrastinate robs us of life's joy.
Procrastination can cause the loss of our soul!
Procrastination ruptures relationships.
Procrastination results in sorrow and regret..
Procrastination is sin.
We must know that whether we number our days or not, our days are numbered. Each beat of our heart is a muffled drum - as we march in cadence toward eternity.
Redeem the time.
Number your days.
Now is the acceptable time. Today is the day of salvation. Not tomorrow - Not tomorrow. Now!


Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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