Talking The Talk | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Talking The Talk

Talking The Talk
Cody Dye

Talking The Talk

And now I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified..
Acts 20.32
We talk about a lot of things — sports, cars, houses, weather, food etc. I’ve noticed one thing though; even Christians don’t talk much about the word of grace.
Why is that? Why do we struggle so much with talking about Jesus, His death and His resurrection? I don’t even mean to non-Christians, but to our brothers and sisters. We can talk happily and comfortably about sports or food and other trivial things, but the one thing that we ought to be overjoyed about and talking about the most is the thing that is hardest for us to talk about.
The Bible says that the word of His grace is able to build you up.
• Do you want to be built up?
• Do you want your brother or sister to be built up?
The pulpit is not the primary place that we should be talking with our brothers and sisters about Jesus. The primary place is in our personal conversations. Let’s change from talkng about all of life’s trivial things and take the opportunities we have when we are together to remind our brother or sister what God has done for them. We can talk to anyone about the penant race or the weather. Why not take the short amount of time we have with Christians and dream about heaven together, talk about how we can be more like Christ and tell of the ways we have found to improve our service to the Lord.
Let’s be spiritually minded people involved in spiritual conversations. Not only will we build each other up into the servants God wants us to be but it can also give us the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.


Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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