A Pure Kind of Love | Bella Vista Church of Christ

A Pure Kind of Love

Bella Vista Church of Christ


November 6, 2002        Randall Caselman

A Pure Kind of Love

The gathering was intimate, by invitation only. The meal was progressing as one would suppose, when all of a sudden Mary kneels at the feet of Jesus and breaks open an alabaster jar of expensive perfume, pure nard. Must have been worth over 300 denarii. She poured it over the feet of Jesus and wiped them dry with her hair.

Everybody was astounded. They didn't know what to say, what to make of such an act of love. As usual, it didn't take critics long to pounce on this act of pure love. When money is involved, the material-minded speak up quickly. Judas objects, "This money could have been spent in better ways... This splurging must stop." Not only was Judas out of line, according to Matthew's account, he swayed other disciples to join his murmuring criticism. Jesus silenced the critics by saying, "Leave her alone. She has done a good work. Wherever the Gospel is preached, this woman will be memorialized." Why did Jesus choose to memorialize Mary's love as an example to all future believers?

Mary's love was impulsive. Love never needs a permission slip to do good. No individual has to have the Elders' permission to give to the poor, visit the sick, strengthen the weak, or lift up the fallen. The command is automatic. "Let us not grow weary in well doing... Do good to all men, especially to those of the household of faith." Galatians 6.9-l0. Let us not be forced into the world's mold of thinking that every investment of our time, talent, treasure and energy must be made for maximum return. James said, "When you see good to be done--just do it." Too many of us are counting the cost, figuring the percentages, while the world goes plunging into hell.

Spikenard (from India) was, Mark says, worth 300 denarii. That was almost a year's salary. Nothing is too good to be done for Jesus. People are always coming by the study saying, "I don't know what to do with this, so thought I would give it to the church." We are content to give God our leftovers instead of giving sacrificially -- a year's wages -- 300 denarii! But Mary never considered the amount because of what the joy of having Jesus in her life meant to her. She gave herself to Jesus long before she ever broke open the jar. Want to be a Mary today? Serve the Jesus in others. "Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these, you've done it to Me." We cannot separate what we do for Jesus and what we do for others.

In John's narrative, it is plain that this event took place next to the last week in Jesus' earthly sojourn. Jesus said, "You will not always have me with you." (John 12.8) Those around the table must have thought that the young thirty-something Jesus would be with them a long time--no need to get in a hurry. Certainly no need to splurge on Jesus. No need to go overboard on religion, no need to become a religious fanatic, not today. But if Mary had not acted on this opportunity, when would she have had another? Only when He was dead! Procrastination is one of the devil's most effective weapons. Teenagers think they have plenty of time to come to Jesus; businessmen say they will when this deal is completed; mothers postpone till the children are raised. "Sad, sad that bitter wail--almost but lost." Satan uses this tool in the church, too: Good works go undone; lost souls go un-won. Let us act today on every impulse to do good, while there is still time.

Be a Mary!! "God make me a Mary--willing to splurge for you. Amen."


Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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