Who Is Your God? | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Who Is Your God?

Who Is Your God
Gene Cloer
Prescott, AR

Who Is Your God?

Dr. Jack Kevorkian declared his religious belief on CBS 60 Minutes: “Religion is an internal, spiritual world. And I have my own with my god Johann Sebastian Bach. Why not? You invented gods ... at least, mine is not invented.”
Reminds me of Romans 1.22-23 Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man... Man’s approach to God has been the same throughout the ages.
We want a god that approves of our actions - that does not demand repentance or a change of life. The modern philosophy of “I’m OK and you’re OK” is just what many are looking for. No change needed. Just accept me as I am. It has always been easier to adjust our concept of God than to adjust our own actions. But character, real character, comes from conforming to an outside standard and not bending that standard to fit our situation.
We want a god that makes us feel good. The modern hue and cry is for the meeting of “felt needs”. Now admittedly New Testament Christianity thoroughly equips us for every good work. We have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness. Correctly read and interpreted the New Testament will meet all my needs. But the tragedy is that we often feel that we need something we don’t really need at all.
Another plea we often hear today is, “I want to feel like I have worshipped.” Worship is my homage to God. Surely I will feel better when I have done what God commands. But I do not worship in order to feel better. That’s selfish.
We want a god made in our image. The Bible states that we are made in the image of God and not vice versa. David was chastised by God because he thought that God was altogether like a man. He isn’t! His thoughts, His ways are far above ours. Our purpose should be to elevate our thoughts and ways to be closer to His.
Rather than remaking God, why not conform your life to His Word? Why not submit to His will?

—Gene Cloer
Prescott, AR

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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