Signs of Good Church Health | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Signs of Good Church Health

Bella Vista Church of Christ


July 10, 2002        Van Ledbetter

Signs of Good Church Health

Most of the time when a body is in poor health, symptoms and signs will reveal that there are problems, and usually what the problems are. But good health is also, usually, indicated by certain signs as well. Energy, vitality, appetite, etc.

It's the same with the church. If we can see some important things going on, we can conclude with reasonable accuracy that the congregation is in a state of good spiritual health.

Faithful attendance at Bible classes and worship, as well as other special gatherings--such as gospel meetings, VBS, singings, and the like--indicates a healthy interest in God's work.

Fellowship activities -- church dinners, youth devotionals, and such good times together -- indicate a love for fellow Christians and a true family atmosphere. Talking to each other about personal life matters show that we want to touch, and be touched, in a loving way with those of like precious faith.

Strong support of church works such as missions, benevolence, local outreach programs, etc., indicates a happy interest in truly doing Christ's work on earth.

A spirit of excitement and welcome. A loving focus on people around us, to share the knowledge of Christ's way with them. Is that us? Do our "vital signs" show us to be a healthy congregation?

De Queen, Ark.

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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