Principles For Living The Good Life | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Principles For Living The Good Life

Bella Vista Church of Christ


January 30, 2002        Randall Caselman

Principles For Living The Good Life

"Discontent" is a word that sums up life for many in our country. If we are not contented with all we have today, what will happen when times become tough? Jesus asked on the way to the cross, "If men behave this way when the leaves are green, what will happen when the drought comes?" (Luke 23.31) It is foolish to look at life through rose-colored glasses, expecting things to always be perfect. Tough times will come for all of us. However, Scripture teaches us that regardless of the situation or circumstance, life can be good. God told Joshua to meditate on His word day and night, "so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." (Joshua 1.8) If we stay in the word of God and obey it, then life will be better. Let's consider some Biblical principles that help guard against discontentment:

1. Forget the past. Accept God's forgiveness. Paul wrote, Forgetting what is past--press on. There is no changing our past. Let us learn from our mistakes and change today. Live for today! Serve God today! Love your spouse today! Forgive your brother today! Ask your children to forgive you today! Enjoy your grandchildren today! The Jews in the wilderness were guided one day at a time--a cloud by day, a pillar of fire by night. Manna that spoiled after 24 hours taught them to live one day at a time. "Today is the day of salvation, now is the accepted time." Accept God's grace today! Live today to its fullest potential and watch life change for the better.

2. Lose yourself in service to others. Perhaps the biggest problem in our culture is self-interest. Indeed, we are a "me first" generation. If something does not benefit us, then we are not interested in it. This is anti-Biblical. "He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." (Proverbs 11.15) "Give and it shall be given to you, good measure, pressed down and running over; for with what measure you use, it will be measured to you." (Luke 6.38) "Each of you should not look only to his own interest, but also to the interest of others." (Philippians 2.4) These scriptures apply to things other than just money. Life can never really be at its best if we are always thinking in terms of me first. We must know the Bible plainly teaches that we are created to do good works, place the interest of others before our own, and bear one another's burdens.

3. Stop complaining and criticizing. Complaining seems rather trivial to us, but God takes it seriously. The children of Israel complained, and God took their complaints as a personal affront. God is found asking, "How long will they refuse to trust in me, in spite of all that I have done for them?" (Numbers 14.11) Complaining is a sure sign that our faith and trust are not in God. He holds the world in His hands, He causes all things to work for good to those who love Him. Let's trust God and stop griping! Criticizing, like complaining, has a devastating effect on us. It keeps us from experiencing the good life. If we criticize harshly, we must expect that we will in turn be criticized harshly--if not by others, then by God Himself. "For in the same way you judge others," Jesus warned, "you will be judged." Life will be better when we turn our circumstances over to God and stop complaining about them, and stop criticizing others.

4. Accept your position. Learn to be content. God calls each of us for a specific purpose. It is vitally important that we discover that purpose as early in life as possible. Otherwise, life will certainly be frustrating. Paul says, Ours is to become instruments of righteousness, living sacrifices. Then he tells us how: We have gifts according to the grace given us. We do not all have the same abilities, but we each have ability. Life always gets better when we find our place and position and go to work at fulfilling our purpose.

If we want the good life, we must start within self. Proverbs 23.7 teaches us that as a man "thinks in his heart, so he is." Charles Spurgeon put it so well when he wrote, "God gives every bird its food, but He doesn't throw it into the nest."

I sincerely believe that, in His word, God has given us the principles for the good life, a better life, the contented life--if we will but apply them.

Randall Caselman

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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