The Talkers | Bella Vista Church of Christ

The Talkers

Bella Vista Church of Christ


June 27, 2001        John Gipson

The Talkers

Some folks have a “morbid craving for controversy and for disputes about words,” said the apostle Paul. (1 Timothy 6.4) They are specialists in discussion for no constructive end. Their morbid appetite feasts on quibbling and stirring up arguments. They are masters at “unsettling everything and settling nothing,” as Samuel Johnson said of the philosopher, Priestley.

These people are puffed up with conceit and know nothing (Paul”s words; not mine). The talkers, the novelty-teachers, the hairsplitters, and those who love word-battles, are a curse to any community. They are exhibitionists, and make their contribution to vice rather than virtue.

        Great contest follows, and much learned dust
        Involved the combatants; each claiming truth,
        And truth disclaiming both.

Timothy isn’t the only preacher who has been plagued by the wrong kind of “discussion groups.” It’s not a matter of eliminating class participation. Most teachers yearn for that. But when things degenerate into a mutual sharing of ignorance, or sink to unprofitable wrangling, something has gone wrong. Therefore, Paul warns Timothy about these talkers who love to argue. They “produce envy, dissension, slander, base suspicions, and wrangling among men who are depraved in mind and bereft of the truth.”

The wholesome words of Christ are designed to give life and godliness. They are intended for our use - not wrangling and controversy.

Little Rock, Ark.

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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