Where Have Our Heroes Gone | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Where Have Our Heroes Gone

Bella Vista Church of Christ


July 18, 2001        Randall Caselman

Where Have Our Heroes Gone

It's early Monday morning as I turn to the computer, thinking about this week's bulletin. My mind keeps rehearsing what I read a few days ago. Let me share it with you. Over two thousand American 8th graders were asked to list those people they most admired... Their heroes. On that list there were no artists, no doctors, no scientists, no diplomats/statesmen, no preachers/Elders, no Bible teachers, no authors, no poets, not a single president or astronaut... Only movie stars, centerfold men and women, and rock singers.

We watch these people as they flaunt their life-style on television and in print. Our children listen intently as they talk of their serial marriages or describe the sordid affairs they are currently living in. Our youth read and listen intently as they relate their sinful life-style, as they promote hate, and encourage civil disobedience and violence, as they express opinions on subjects of which they know absolutely nothing about; yes, even religion. Our children listen as they glorify sin and laugh at virtue. We watch and listen as they make fun of those who support high moral standards in our country. Their theatrical performances, music and life-style frequently attack every worthwhile social custom and the moral foundation of our society.

Keep in mind now, these are those whom our 8th graders admire most! They are their heroes. Guilty we are. We have contributed to this shocking state of affairs! What can concerned parents and grandparents do to change this evil and ugly trend? Some suggestions...

Start controlling our entertainment choices. Perhaps the biggest contribution to the making of heroes comes from the television. We must begin today to control the television we and our children watch. Men and women portrayed as heroes, who are filthy mouthed, violent, and sexually promiscuous should be turned off! Why is it we will allow a homosexual drunk being portrayed as a hero into our living room? Something is wrong here.

Promote real men and women. Most of our children and grandchildren know more about Prince and The Grateful Dead than they do Jesus Christ, David, Joseph or Josiah. How many of David’s psalms can we quote? Do we know Joseph’s famous line at the house of Potiphar or what he said to his brothers about the providence of God when their father died? Do we even know who Josiah was or what he did? Ask your children... Who would you like to be like? You may be shocked. Nobody wants to be like Jesus. Who’s Fault is this? Whatever happened to mothers and grandmothers reading accounts about Bible greats from Hurlburt’s Bible Story Book? Great men from world history? Our nation’s history is full of real heroes. We need to take the time to expound their virtues to our children. Where have all our heroes gone?

We must stop criticizing good men. I remember when suppertime conversation was about good things and good people, not a time of criticism and gossip. I grew up believing every Gospel preacher and Elder in the church was a hero, because mom and dad spoke of them highly. No, they were no different than preachers and Elders today, but I thank God that, in my family, the drive home from church Sunday was not cut the preacher or Bible teacher time. No wonder there were no poets, presidents, preachers, teachers, on the 8th graders’ list. No wonder our children do not get excited about going to Bible study or worship services. Too many of us are guilty of cutting the legs off our heroes.

Confess our faults and pray. Knowledge of guilt demands repentance, confession and prayer. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed. We need to band together, support and encourage one another. Are we willing? Will we save our children? While we argue over trivial issues in our churches our children are losing Genuine Heroes.

Is it any wonder that suicide is a major problem among American teens? Why? Because the goals they have set for themselves come from empty papier-mâché heroes. They see no reason to go on, so they end it with gas or a gun or a needle. Or they waste away sitting in front of the tube with an endless supply of six-packs, simply because they have no ambition, no meaningful purpose in life, no real heroes. Will we change? Time is short.

Randall Caselman

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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