Time To Focus On The Eternal | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Time To Focus On The Eternal

Bella Vista Church of Christ


September 26, 2001        Randall Caselman

Time To Focus On The Eternal

We all witnessed it. The impossible happened before our very eyes. The twin towers of the New York Trade Center fell. What were the odds of that ever happening? But it did. People with glazed eyes walked through rubble that only a few hours before represented world commerce at its grandest. It happens in war, a storm, an earthquake or fire; yesterday’s valuables are today’s worthless junk. What yesterday we would not have sold at any price, today we must pay men to haul off. Perhaps this tragedy should cause us to think more seriously, change our focus from this world to His world - From things temporary to things eternal. Perhaps we ought to be thinking more of heaven and less of things here. Heaven - What Do You Expect?

The Hebrews Writer Said Heaven Is A City.
The city of God. Not a city with street signs, curbs, gutters, parks and tall buildings. The idea is a community. Heaven is a fellowship. A koinonia with God, Christ and the saved of all ages. Heaven is a community where services are provided for its citizens. God will be our protector, provider, sustainer. No more hate. No more terrorists. No more loneliness. No more misunderstandings. Heaven will be an uninterrupted, unstained, unstrained, pure, loving, trusting fellowship in the presence of God.

Jesus Said Heaven Is A Mansion.
“In My Father’s house are many mansions.” What would you like, an English Tudor, a Cape Cod, a California ranch style, or a log cabin? Heaven is not a house. Heaven will be home. There is a big difference. Right? When we move we go house hunting. We kick the plumbing, check the furnace, look in the attic. It’s just a house. Four walls. Then we move in, place pictures of the children and grandchildren on the walls. At Thanksgiving the whole family is there. Christmas arrives and more togetherness. Memories are made. Problems solved. There is laughter and tears. The structure is no longer a house, but home. Home represents security. Home is a refuge. There is a sense of permanence, a feeling of belonging. At home we can relax and be ourselves. We are accepted. You see, God is custom-designing a home for you. “For we know if this earthly house, this tabernacle, were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens.” Praise God for the concept of Home!!

Revelation Tells Us That Heaven Is A White Robe.
Heaven is a place where sinning is over; symbolically represented by white robes. In Heaven we will have a clean conscience, permanently clean. The first thing each morning, the last thing at night and a dozen times throughout the day we express sorrow for our sins. We want it removed. Sin is responsible for our pain, trouble, sadness and all that is bad. In heaven there will be no more remorse, no more regret, no more guilt. All will be sinless, blameless. Indeed!!... “All will be gladness in that land.” Every decision will be the correct one. Every thought good. Every word appropriate. Every action profitable. I want a white robe. Don’t you?

Heaven Is Seeing Him Face To Face.
Each of us has that special place - the seashore, the mountains, a quiet forest setting, sunsets over the desert. Think of the most awe-inspiring sight you have ever seen; the Grand Canyon, Pikes Peak, the snow covered Tetons, the Pacific at sunset, the Atlantic at sunrise, the giant redwoods, a rose, the Painted Desert. Here it is! If we gasp in awe at His handiwork, what will it be like to behold the Creator face-to-face? If we shudder in the shadow. What will it be like to stand in His Presence? Heaven is where we will see Him as He is and where we will live in His Presence forever.

Eye has not seen. Ear has not heard. Words cannot describe a fraction of what God has in mind for us in Heaven. Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people. Heaven is home for God’s children. Abraham knew he was an alien here and wanted to go home. We must see ourselves as aliens in this world. Get an education. Find a spouse. Buy a house. Sell a house. Launch a career. Have a family. Buy a business. Make a name. All of life pales in comparison to the significance of what we do with God’s invitation to come live with Him.


Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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