Enjoying Life At Its Best | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Enjoying Life At Its Best

Bella Vista Church of Christ


October 24, 2001        Randall Caselman

Enjoying Life At Its Best

        This is the best life God has to offer in the here and now. Jesus maintained that He came to give us life and give it more abundantly. Too many of us today see Christianity as only a Pie In The Sky Hope. A religion for the future, a faith for the dying. No!! Jesus came that we might have life to the fullest, above the ordinary, above the common. God wants His people to enjoy this life right now, right here. He created us for this purpose. Man is the one that fell from joy in the Garden. God placed His creation in Paradise. With our own carelessness, we have turned the garden into a pit with our sinful ways... Paradise Lost. Jesus came to rescue us from our own mistakes, return our joy... Paradise Found.

        The concept of happiness for God’s people is evident throughout the Bible. The garden of Eden, the rainbow, the promise of a new land for Abraham, Canaan for Israel, a return of the remnant, the Beatitudes of Jesus, the forgiveness of sins, the coming of the kingdom and the promise of Heaven, all say, be happy. Consider three words from Scripture which speak to us of Christian happiness.

        JUBILEE. This is an Old Testament concept from Leviticus, Chapter 25. In the year of Jubilee a special celebration was commanded. A happy time, when joy flowed through the land. All debts were canceled. Lands returned to the original owners. Those in prison were set free. Economic equality and justice were reaffirmed.

        Jubilee was good news to the poor, downtrodden and those who had failed in life. Jubilee meant a new lease on life. Sound familiar? Jesus came declaring Jubilee. He paid our debts. As prisoners to sin, we were set free. Son-Set-Free People. Our original relationship with God has been restored, our inheritance of Paradise, Heaven, Home of the Soul regained, sins forgiven. Praise God for the Christian Jubilee.

        It is not surprising to learn that as far as we can determine the Jews never observed Jubilee. That is sad. So sad to miss an opportunity for joy and happiness. But what is even more sad is when we as God’s children fail to celebrate daily the true, genuine happiness of the Christian Jubilee, Son-Set-Freedoms.

        SHALOM. The Jews of Jesus’ time greeted one another with this Hebrew expression. They used it much as we use, Good Morning. Even though the English word is not in our Bible, the Hebrew word occurs close to 300 times. Shalom means peace, prosperity. It came to be a word for hope. It pointed toward the time when Messiah would come and there would be joy, peace, prosperity, contentment throughout the land. In this new kingdom, life would be lived to its fullest, above the common, more abundantly. A time when the lion and the lamb would lie down together and swords would be reshaped into plowshares.

        Shalom has come. Messiah, the Christ, has restored the kingdom. Praise God for the new system where grace rules. Genuine forgiveness is a reality. Peace can reign in the hearts of God’s people. My peace I leave you, not the peace of this world, but Messiah peace... And the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ. Because of Jesus, we live at peace. Peace with God. Peace with one another and peace with self.

        MARANATHA. The greeting of Shalom was replaced in the early church with a new word, Maranatha, Lord Come, or Lord Come Quickly. This New Testament word is found in I Corinthians 16.22. Some modern speech translations go ahead and render our word Come O Lord! Maranatha was a word of expectancy. The New Testament church lived above the world, enjoyed life to the fullest regardless of their circumstances because they expected Jesus to come soon. They wanted, waited, expected His coming. Their anticipation of His coming resulted in a life of joy, peace and happiness beyond human understanding.

        Twenty centuries later we are living in doubt, fear and paranoia, because we are afraid this world might come to an end. For the child of God, this is the best thing that could happen. Life above the ordinary... Life above the common... Life at its best is knowing that death or the second coming is an automatic welcome home. You see, Maranatha is, for the Christian, happiness guaranteed regardless of the situation or circumstance we are currently living in. Rejoice in the Lord!

        Let them shout with joy, and be glad. Let the Lord be magnified. He is a Lord who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant. And again, I say Rejoice. Psalms 35:22 - Philippians 4:4.

Randall Caselman

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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