“If You Never Felt Pain” | Bella Vista Church of Christ

“If You Never Felt Pain”

Bella Vista Church of Christ


October 24, 2001        Unknown

“If You Never Felt Pain”

        If you never felt pain,

                How would you know

                        that I’m a Healer?

        If you never went through bondage,

                How would you know

                        that I am a Deliverer?

        If you never had a trial,

                How could you call

                        yourself an Overcomer?

        If you never felt sadness,

                How would you know

                        that I am a Comforter?

        If you never made a mistake,

                How would you know

                        that I am willing to Forgive?

        If you never were broken,

                How would you know

                        that I can make you whole?

        If you never had problems,

                How would you know

                that I can solve them?

        If you never had any suffering,

                How would you know

                        what I went through?

        If you never went through the fire,

                How would you become pure?

                        If I simply gave you all things,

        How would you appreciate them?

                If I never corrected you,

        How would you know that I love you?

                If you had all power,

        How would you learn to depend on me?

                If your life was perfect,

        What would you need me for?


Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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