Now Is The Time To Be Happy | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Now Is The Time To Be Happy

Now Is The Time To Be Happy
Maxie B. Boren

Now Is The Time To Be Happy

        One of the worst mistakes people make is to go through life unhappy. People are wrong to think happiness was only in the past, or is yet to be in the future, but for now there is only misery. The Bible teaches Christians to rejoice in the Lord, and we infer the apostle meant all the while.

        I came across the following poem, entitled The Time To Be Glad. The author is unknown to me, but whoever wrote it hit the proverbial nail on the head. Please read it thoughtfully:

                A young man lives in the future;
                An old man lives in the past;
                For youth, time is moving too slowly.
                For age, it is moving too fast.

                A young man dreams of the gladness
                The years before him will bring;
                An old man dreams of his pleasures
                When life held the magic of spring.

                But youth and age are in error!
                The present alone can convey
                The joy and cheer and contentment
                We seek as we journey life’s way.

                Today is the time to be happy!
                No matter how young or how old,
                It’s always today that must bring us
                The blessing our fortunes unfold!

        May each of us resolve to have a song in our hearts and a smile on our face each day we live. In so doing, we will be giving God praise and thanksgiving for the salvation we have in Christ and the hope of heaven. Also, we’ll be showing to the world that indeed the Christian life is the happiest life in the world!

— Maxie B. Boren

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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