Football Season | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Football Season

Football Season
John Gipson

Football Season

I listened to Houston Nutt, coach of the Arkansas Razorbacks, talking about winning football games. It takes eleven, he said. In short, you’re not going to win unless there is teamwork, everyone on the field doing his part.

My mind went back to a television interview I saw almost thirty years ago. John Brodie, the quarterback for the San Francisco Forty-Niners, was being questioned by reporters. Throughout the year Brodie had done big things for his team in a big way. In fact, he led all voting when the All Pro team was selected. The reporters were talking to an important man and they knew it.

One writer chided Brodie, asking why a million dollar quarterback like himself had to hold the ball for field goals and extra points. Well, said Brodie, if I didn’t, it would fall over.

His answer convinced me that John Brodie knew what it meant to be a part of a team, and work for a common victory.

I couldn’t help but wish that every member of the church understood the necessity of such cooperation. The next time you get to thinking that your job is not important, whether it be serving at the Lord’s Table, greeting our visitors, assisting a teacher, visiting the hospital, making a phone call, counting the contribution, checking Bible Class attendance, assisting with a baptismal service, helping the needy, or putting up a bulletin board etc., remember John Brodie, hunkered down and holding that football, saying, If I didn’t, it would fall over.

—John Gipson
Little Rock, AR

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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