A Father's Shoes | Bella Vista Church of Christ

A Father's Shoes

A Fathers Shoes
Fayetteville, AR

A Father's Shoes

A local store advertised a Father's day shoe sale. It occurred to me, however, that there is a sense in which a Father's shoes are not bought and sold — they are handed down from one generation to another! We often speak of a son walking in his father's shoes when we mean that he is following his father's example. The Bible says of Jehoshaphat that, He walked in the way of Asa his Father and did right in the sight of the Lord. 1 Kings 22.43. On the other hand, it was said of Ahaziah that, He walked in the ways of his Father (Ahab), and so, did evil in the sight of the Lord. 1 Kings 22.52. Both men walked in their father's shoes. One father influenced his son for good, the other influenced his son for evil!

Fathers, if your children walk in your shoes where will they go? Let me suggest some places where a Father's shoes should lead.

Into Paths Of Righteousness. In the beloved words of the 23rd Psalm, David spoke of being led in paths of righteousness by his Father in heaven. A Father needs to watch his habits, guard his speech, and control his conduct to provide an example which he will not be ashamed for his children to follow. As one father said, I want to live in such a way that when people tell me my son is like me, he'll stick out his chest and not his tongue.

Into Places Of Honest Toil. The Jews had a proverb: The father who fails to teach his son to work, teaches him to steal. Blessed is the son who can walk in his father's shoes to shop, factory, field or office where an honest day's work is given for a day's pay! The Bible commands that if any should not work, neither should he eat. 2 Thessalonians 3.10. The father whose example teaches the necessity of honest labor contributes not only to the well-being of his child, but also to the well being of the nation.

Into The House Of Worship. There are many fathers who prefer a Sunday game of golf or visit to the lake to worshipping God. Jesus said: Suffer little children to come to me and forbid them not... Matthew 19.14. But if they are to come, mothers and fathers must bring them by their example instead of keeping them away.

Into Fields Of Service. Christianity is service. Jesus said, I am among you as one who serves.. Luke 22.27. He also said, My Father works and I work... John 1.17. More young people need the example of a father who will sing the words of the old song and mean it: I want to be a worker for the Lord! Young people need a father's example of faithfulness, dedication and involvement to prepare them for service in the Lord's Kingdom.

The Bible says, The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.... Psalm 37.23. Only when we walk this way can we pass shoes on to our children which we do not fear for them to walk in!

Fayetteville, AR

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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