Forgiving One Another | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Forgiving One Another

Forgiving One Another
Randall Caselman

Forgiving One Another

Forgiveness. It is such a difficult task for we humans. When family, friends, a brother, even enemies hurt us it’s hard to forgive, but it must be done for two reasons: For them and for us. How?

Forgive Quickly.
To the matter of forgiveness, time is the great enemy. Time allows us to rehearse the hurt, coax and fan the flame into a roaring inferno. Time allows us to plan revenge. It increases the pain. Time allows bitter feelings to grow more intense. The first thing we know, the event is completely out of proportion.
The Hebrew’s writer says, Make every effort to live in peace with all men and be holy... See that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble. Over time, small acorns become giant oaks. The time to uproot hurt is when the seed is first planted. A tree-size hurt is difficult to deal with.
Jesus was quick to forgive. While still on the cross, He forgave those who placed Him there. Paul tells us that God made arrangements to forgive us before we ever knew we needed such. While we were yet sinners, aliens, Christ died for us.

Forgive Repeatedly.
Peter asked Jesus, How often do I forgive? The answer was not seven times, but seventy times seven. Our forgiveness is not based on numbers, but upon a heart condition. Aren’t we all glad that God does not forgive by numbers? If He did, most of us would have already exercised our allotment. Perhaps none of us will be any more like God than when we forgive repeatedly - even for the same sinful hurt. Remember, as often as you do it to these, my brothers, you have done it unto Me.

Forgive Completely.
When God forgives it’s as if it never happened. Our sins are blotted out, made invisible, removed as far as the east is from the west, remembered no more, scarlet is made white as wool. This is how complete our forgiveness ought to be. Sometimes we reason like this:
• I’ll forgive, but let them suffer a bit.
• I’ll forgive, but I won’t forget.
• I’ll forgive, but it better not happen again.
• I’ll forgive, but you don’t deserve it.
• I’ll forgive this, but I can’t forgive that.

Aren’t we glad God doesn’t forgive only the sins we deserve to be forgiven of? Or that He only forgives some sins and remembers others?
I believe Paul is speaking of complete forgiveness as he admonishes us to not repay evil for evil, but to be kind one to another. As far as possible live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, but leave room for God’s wrath. If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink. Folks, this is complete, complete, forgiveness. Complete forgiveness gives up all rights to revenge and turns it over to God.
You see, sin separates. Sin separates us from God, and sin separates us from one another. But sins forgiven completely reconcile us to God and to one another. Forgive completely!

Forgive Supernaturally.
I can’t. I just can’t forgive him. Maybe not, but with God’s help all things are possible. Forgiveness is not natural, but supernatural. Forgiveness is not accomplished by our own human effort, but by God working in us. Read these scriptures again:
• I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.
• He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or
imagine, according to His power that is at work in us.
• Until Christ be found in you.

God will help us, provide us strength, work within us to become more and more and more like Jesus in our forgiving others. This is His promise.

Treat Kindly.
Today, right now, determine something you can do and will do to demonstrate your complete forgiveness to those you've forgiven. No, we probably don’t feel like doing this, but why not allow obedience to God to be our motive for action rather than our own emotions. After all, this is what Christianity is all about, isn’t it? A willingness to do what is right rather than what our emotions dictate. So, grab your want-to by your will, and forgive. Treat them kindly.
Forgiveness must be done for two reasons: For them and for us. Forgiveness pays great dividends. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us... And lead us not into temptation.

When your heart was filled with anger,

Did you think to pray?

Did you plead for grace, my brother,

That you might forgive another

Who had crossed your way?

O how praying rest the weary!

Pray will change the night to day;

So when life seems dark and dreary,

Don't forget to pray.

Randall Caselman

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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