Bondages | Bella Vista Church of Christ


Charles Cash
Siloam Springs, AR


For which I am an ambassador in bonds; that therein

I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Ephesians 6.20.

Freedom is a precious word! It is usually taken for granted until lost. Freedom in Christ is freedom indeed. Paul exclaimed, Am I not free? Herein lies one of the most beautiful concepts of Christianity. Freedom! Freedom from sin, guilt, wrath, and strict law. There is even freedom to make mistakes, provided we admit them in penitence.

Our country has for years stressed four fundamental freedoms: freedom to worship, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom from want. Noble! Paul, by referring to himself as an ambassador in bonds, suggests to us that there are noble bondages as well as noble freedoms.

Bondage to the Past. Profit from the past, from your mistakes. Learn from it! Let it spur us on. Also, have a commitment to carry on the great spiritual heritages from the past. We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.

Bondage to the Future. Look to the future. Set goals. Set the right priorities. Have high aspirations and deep resolves.

Bondage to those in Need. This comes with the territory of being a Christian. We have no choice if we are to be Christlike. There are no blank pages in the book of life.

Bondage to Christ. Freedom is never free. We’ve only changed masters. We should be in bondage to Christ. Paul was proud to call himself the slave of Jesus Christ.

—Charles Cash
Siloam Springs AR

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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