Who Do You Say That I Am? | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Who Do You Say That I Am?

Bella Vista Church of Christ


January 17, 2001        John Gipson

Who Do You Say That I Am?

When Jesus walked upon the earth there were various opinions about his identity. The talk heard on the street lacked agreement. Some thought he was John the Baptist, others said he was Elijah, or Jeremiah or one of the prophets. Everyone seemed to agree that he was a great person even though they weren’t sure just who he was.

In our own day there seems to be almost as much confusion as there was in the first century. For a variety of reasons, including the presence in the country of large numbers of people of other faiths, the figure of Jesus no longer commands the respect it did a generation or two ago. In a time when relativism is in vogue, even Jesus has been relativized. He is often seen as a great religious leader, but only one among many.

o the question Jesus asked his disciples, Who do you say I am? is as pertinent for us as it was for his followers in the long ago. Most would be willing to admit that he is the founder of Christianity. His promise, I will build my church, is generally acknowledged as having been fulfilled for there is almost two thousand years of testimony to confirm it, but as to his person (the incarnation of God), Jesus seems to be as open to challenge as he was in his lifetime.

Who do you say Jesus is? Before you give a hasty response, let me urge you to look at the evidence. Read carefully the first four books of the New Testament. Listen to his words, examine his life. Observe his power. Then you will be in a position to make an honest evaluation. There’s a likelihood you will reach the same conclusion Peter did in the long ago: You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. (Matt. 16.16).

Little Rock, Ark.

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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