The Resurrection Difference | Bella Vista Church of Christ

The Resurrection Difference

Bella Vista Church of Christ


April 11, 2001        Randall Caselman

The Resurrection Difference

As the world focuses its attention on the resurrection of Jesus let us ask: Does the resurrection make a difference? It certainly did in the daily lives of the early church. Restoring New Testament Christianity in our generation means that we must allow the resurrection to make a difference in us. Not just once a year, but a daily difference!

A difference in our perseverance.
Heaven's reward is promised to those who fight the fight, finish the course, keep the faith. The resurrection turned the despair and disillusionment of the cross into a triumph at the tomb. If Jesus could deal with the Sanhedrin, Pilate, Jewish prejudice, the crucifixion; if He conquered death, hell and the grave; rest assured that He can conquer any and all of our problems.

A difference in our worship.
As they walked along the road to Emmaeus, they declared, did not our hearts burn within us? And they worshipped Him with great joy and were constantly in the temple, praising God. When we believe there is really an empty tomb, we will no longer have to be begged to attend worship; sing praises; tell our neighbor; live daily for Him. We will do it joyfully. He is alive! What a difference that makes.

A difference in who we love and how we serve.
If Jesus is in the tomb, then treat others as you wish, look out for number one, scramble for the top at any price, nothing matters more than our own selfish ambitions. However, if the grave is empty His words ring in our ears, “As often as you do it to the least of these, you do it to Me... If you see your brother in need but have no pity on him, how can the love of God be in you?”... Look to the interest of others... Consider others better than yourself.

A difference in eternity.
If Jesus was just another good man with lofty ideals which captured the minds of men, then the resurrection is not a unique message. The Koran contains high ethics. Mohammed said some good things. Buddha had lofty ideals, but they died and are still in the grave. Jesus is alive because He was God in the flesh. Because He is alive, we will one day be like Him. He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The resurrection is our victory over death, giving us eternal life in heaven.

Of course the resurrection of Christ makes no difference in our lives unless we respond to it. “I am the resurrection, and the life; he that believes in me shall not die but have everlasting life.” Will your faith lead you to obey Him? Not everyone who says to me “Lord, Lord... But he who does the will of My father.”

As we approach this weekend let our hearts dwell on the events echoed in this old hymn by James Montgomery:

        Go to Dark Gethsemane,
        All who feel the tempter’s power;
        Your Redeemer’s conflict see.
        Watch with Him one bitter hour;

        Turn not from His Griefs away;
        Learn from Jesus Christ to pray.
        Cavalry’s mournful mountain climb;
        There, adorning at His feet,

        Mark that miracle of time,
        God’s own sacrifice complete.
        “It is finished!” hear Him cry;
        Learn from Jesus Christ how to die.

        Early hasten to the tomb
        Where they laid His breathless clay;
        All is solitude and gloom.
        Who has taken Him away?

        Christ is risen! He meets our eyes.
        Savior, teach us so to rise.

Indeed! Indeed!! What difference the resurrection makes!


Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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