The Celestial Fire Within | Bella Vista Church of Christ

The Celestial Fire Within

Bella Vista Church of Christ


May 9, 2001        Randall Caselman

The Celestial Fire Within

Conscience disturbs our status quo. It is an all seeing eye, watching all that we think, do and say. We cannot hide from conscience. In the Greek the word is Suneidesis, meaning a knowing with. Conscience is a co-witness to our thinking and conduct. Conscience is a God-given inner mechanism declaring us guilty or innocent.

- George Washington said... Labor to keep alive in your breast that spark of celestial fire called conscience.
- Conscience caused David to cry... Have mercy upon me O God. Blot out my transgressions, wash me from mine iniquity... For my sin is always before me.
- Conscience prompted Felix to tremble saying... Enough! Leave! I will hear you at a more convenient time.
- Conscience caused Judas to wail... Take the money... I have betrayed innocent blood.
- Conscience caused Peter to slip into the shadows weeping when he heard the rooster crow.
- Conscience prompted the 3,000 on Pentecost to cry out... Men and brothers, what shall we do?

The human conscience functions as:

The Eye Of The Soul. It functions as an all-seeing eye. It checks our thoughts, motives, our words and actions every waking moment. We must know that the conscience has no light of its own. It must be illuminated by our understanding of right and wrong. Conscience is a perfect guide to the extent that it is illuminated by the Word of God. It is not within man who walks to direct his own steps.

A Traffic Light. At times conscience encourages us to proceed; at other times it warns us to stop, or to proceed with caution. Cowardice asks, is it safe? Expediency asks, is it proper? Selfishness asks, will it benefit me? Vanity asks, is it popular? But conscience asks, is it right?

An Umpire. Umpires do not make the rules; they only enforce them. An umpire is not always right. He may develop poor eyesight, not be in a position to see the play, or he may not know the rules or fail to interpret them properly. For our conscience to function properly, it must know the rule book.

For our conscience to function properly, it must be kept healthy by continual education and experience. We must work to keep the heart and conscience clean. In rhetoric David asks... How shall the young keep their way pure... Secure their hearts... and keep their conscience clean? Scripture says it is possible to sear, to cauterize, to harden the conscience to the point that it no longer functions properly. How does this happen?

- By repeated violation. Some delight in sin, in weakness. They do evil and refuse to love and obey truth. As a result, God will send them a strong delusion so that they will believe a lie and be condemned. Know anyone like this? Those who have rejected truth, loved and lived in sin so long that they are no longer sensitive to right and wrong. It is possible!

- By substance abuse. This is the sin of drunkenness. Any addiction that weakens our inhibitions and destroys our ability to discern right from wrong is dangerous.

- By busy work. Some of us do not feel guilty because we think if we keep busy enough, we will not have time to consider our sin... Be still and know that I am God.

- By self-righteousness. Some are convinced that morality and good works can forgive their sins, save their souls. Not so! We are saved by grace through faith. Never allow Satan to sear your conscience with self-righteousness.

May we all live by Paul’s admonition... I strive to always keep a good conscience before God and man. Or like David... Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me... and lead me in the way everlasting.


Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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