Potatoes And Souls | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Potatoes And Souls

Potatoes And Souls
Charles Cash

Potatoes And Souls

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and these things shall be added unto you.

Many years ago, the Chinese farmers ate their big potatoes and kept the small ones for seed. In due course of time, the farmers made a startling discovery, nature had reduced all their potatoes to the size of marbles.

The harvest reflected the planting. This is understanding the law of life. What is true with potatoes is also true with our souls.

We become so enamored with the enjoyment of all life’s goodies that, in accordance with the law of spiritual life, our souls are allowed to shrivel. Only the short view is taken, not the long view. Nothing shrinks the soul faster than a confusion of values. What is important? What truly matters? Can I distinguish ultimate values from immediate values? A principle point of wisdom is to know how to value things just as they deserve.

There are people who have yet to learn that they cannot travel in the wrong direction and reach the right destination. Someone once said, We are so busy with the immediate and the urgent we never have time for the important.

George Larimer wrote, It’s good to have money and the things money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.

Time has a way of weeding out the trivial.

—Charles Cash
Siloam Springs, AR

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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