The Hand Of God | Bella Vista Church of Christ

The Hand Of God

Lanny Henninger
Type: Bulletin

The Hand Of God

In the Bible there is a line which runs like this... All things are possible with God. Most of us have been willing to grant the omnipotence of God; after all, if he were not powerful, would he really be God? Yet it is curious that what we so readily accept intellectually, and in general we question practicality, and in particular—

• He can fashion a universe, but can he install generosity into a selfish heart?

• He can hurl stars into space, but can he dry out a drunkard?

• He can trace the valleys with the tip of his finger, but can he repair a home that has been fractured by deceit, infidelity, or boredom?

• He can mold the mountains with his creative skill, but can he restore the joy of a faith long since gone?

• He can call nations and men into judgment, but can he give peace to a restless soul?

• He can leave his mark on the face of human history, but does it matter to him if I live or die?

Our essential question, of course is not so much if God can do these things, but does he do them? We are doubtful, not about his power, but about his concern. Here, though, is the marvel of God: He who cannot be contained by the world is willing to inhabit it. The ministry of Jesus discloses a Lord who is forever interested in Children... Slaves... Rulers Harlots... Fisherman... Soldiers... Teachers... Me... You.

—Lanny Henninger

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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