Our Physical Heart | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Our Physical Heart

Our Physical Heart
Ethel Irene Self
Bentonville, AR

Our Physical Heart

Although our physical heart has color

And the blood that flows through it is red,

Our Lord can make it white as snow

When we trust Him instead.

His spirit dwells within.

He can touch our hearts and make them pure.

And free from sin.

So trust in the Saviour with all your heart,

And never let His spirit from you depart,

For just a short while will we have to endure,

And Heaven is His promise, and that is for sure.

Love your neighbor, and always be kind,

For some day He will call us

And we will leave this old world behind.

—Ethel Irene Self
Bentonville AR

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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