Living The Good Life | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Living The Good Life

Living The Good Life
Randall Caselman

Living The Good Life

Scripture contains no magic formula for material, worldly success. But it does contain principles and promises on how to live the good life that God intends for each of us. These promises and principles are understood in such verses as:

        • John 1.12, As many as received Him to them gave He power to become
           the sons of God, even to them that believed on His name. 

        • John 10.10, I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

        • Philippians 4.11-13, I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.
           The Lord shall supply all your needs. I have learned in whatever the circumstance,
           in every situation, to be content.

Most people would give all they have to access such promised power. It is ours in Christ. Power to live the good life. What can we do to access this power?

Dream God's dream
Joseph dreamed God's dream. It may not have been his brothers' dream, but it was God's plan and purpose. We must set some goals. Use our imagination. We will never be what we cannot imagine ourselves being. Solomon says, As a man thinks, he is.

Our potential is not limited by education, monetary resources, environment, circumstances, or situation, but only by our lack of vision. Write the word, imagination. Do you see it? image in. His image in us.

God is a goal setter. God has a plan. Even the casual Bible student can see this. From Genesis three-fifteen until this moment, His plan has been the same. The eternal purpose of God is our redemption through Jesus.

What are our goals? Do we have any? If we were given a pencil and paper and asked to, write down our life goals, ten of them; could we do it? Many of us don’t go anywhere, do anything, become anybody, simply because we have no plans. Jesus said, I will build my church. What are you doing Jesus? Working my Father’s plan.

Mediocrity kills us. Lukewarmness is condemned by Jesus. We need to get out of the rut. Dare to dream. Imagine. Set some goals, make some plans, have a purpose, be like God. After all, we are in His image, empowered by Him to live the abundant life.

Believe it is possible
The Sea of Galilee churned, white-capped waves spilled into the boat, white-knuckled men clung to the ship, hearts beat fast, minds filled with fear. Then Jesus quieted the storm.

Do you remember what He said to them? O you of little faith. Jesus can quieten whatever storm may threaten us and our family. Paul gives us this thought Our God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.

Hebrews, chapter eleven, is filled with ordinary people just like us. The difference is to be found in their FAITH. Who by faith conquered kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, walked in flames of the fiery furnace, escaped the sword. Ordinary people who lived the good life because their faith was turned into strength by God. Power to live the abundant life comes from our faith.

Be willing to change
A willingness to change is a must for abundant living. No change—No smile. We all know people who frown all their life. They move from one hand-ringing experience to another, because they are not willing to change the way they think, act and react toward life. The cycle must be broken. Alcoholism, drug abuse, poverty, materialism, child or spouse abuse, sin, a general dissatisfaction with life will continue until we make up our mind to change.

A construction worker complained everyday about his lunch, "Peanut butter sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches; that’s all I ever have." Finally a fellow-worker suggested; why don’t you have your wife prepare something else? "I can’t, I’m not married." Be willing to break the cycle.

Yes, change takes energy, effort, determination. Laziness robs us of the good life!

Choose to be happy
        • Happy, blessed are the poor in spirit.
        • Happy, blessed are those who mourn.
        • Happy, blessed are the meek.
        • Happy, blessed are those who hunger and thirst for right.
        • Happy, blessed are the merciful.
        • Happy, blessed are the pure in heart.
        • Happy, blessed are the peacemakers.
        • Happy, blessed are those who are persecuted for being right.

Read these verses again. Happy people are those willing to see themselves as they really are, mourn their sins, be humble, have a desire to be right, be sensitive to others, do things out of pure motive, love peace and have a willingness to endure hurt for being right. Happiness is a decision on our part to live by God's principles and enjoy His promises.

There is no reason for us, as children of God, to live in mediocrity. Put on a smile. Live the good life. We have the power to become ALL that God wants and wills for us.

Dream! Believe! Change! Choose!

—Randall Caselman

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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