Ready Room Choices | Bella Vista Church of Christ

Ready Room Choices

Ready Room Choices
Randall Caselman

Ready Room Choices

Jesus trained His apostles for three and a half years. Then came Graduation time. Jesus called a meeting. It began around the supper table and ended in Gethsemane. Let’s compare the upper-room discourse to a military ready room. The briefing officer always does three things: He gives the mission, tells about the enemy and reiterates our strengths. Graduating seniors, and to a certain extent, all of us are standing in God’s ready-room. The training is over, the time has come for us to meet the challenge.
Our mission. If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching, keep My commandments... Love each other as I have loved you. The upper-room discourse opens with Jesus washing feet. Our mission is to love and serve God with all our heart, mind, soul and to love and serve others.
What we can expect from the enemy. Satan is as active today as he has ever been. His weapons are up-to-date as tomorrow’s newspaper. His technology is awesome.
        • There is behavioral psychology. Behavioral psychology tells us that sin is a disease, our addictions are a result of body chemistry, our sexual preference is determined by genetics. This concept is anti-Biblical in every respect. James says, sin is a result of our own lust, our own evil desires... Sin is knowing to do right and not doing it. Sin is a conscious decision on our part to do what we want to do, be what we want to be, rather than submit to the will of God. Yes, it is true: our environment, the way we were raised, genetics and body chemistry can and do influence us and perhaps make us vulnerable to some sins. But these things never, never override our own will. Scripture teaches us that we are created free moral agents. We are what we choose to be. Choose to be God’s person.

        • Satan’s second weapon is moral relativism. Existentialism says there are no absolutes, no right and wrong, no such thing as truth. This kind of reasoning allows a student to cheat on a test and justify it by saying, everybody does it! It allows us to steal food, if we are hungry. It justifies stepping on others to get ahead. Jesus said, you shall know the truth and the truth shall make your free... Sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth. Jesus is saying, there is such a thing as truth, and then He defines truth as that which is found in God’s word. Choose to live by truth.

        • Satan's third weapon is pseudo-intellectualism. Pseudo-intellectualism says, I’m OK- you're OK, just as we are. This kind of thinking leaves no room for character improvement, spiritual growth or becoming better than we already are; not individually nor as a society. I’m OK, your OK does away with repentance and conversion. A few years back, the New Yorker Magazine ran a cartoon which pictured Jesus hanging on a cross and the caption read, If I am OK and you're OK, why am I up here? Jesus gave His life so we could become changed people. Choose to be changed! Choose to be raised to walk in a newness of life.

        • Weapon number four is materialism. Materialism is trusting in things, in this world’s resources. Materialism places our faith in the right street address, the clothes we wear, in the college we attend, in a glamorous or cutting edge career, in a pay check or a bank account. Jesus tells us where our faith ought to be, Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me. Choose to place your trust in God.

The third responsibility of the briefing offices is to assure us that we can be victorious. Jesus does this so well in the upper-room briefing:

        • He says, keep your eyes on the goal. In my Father's house are many mansions... I go to prepare a place for you... I will come again and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. 

        • The privilege of prayer. I tell you the truth, My Father will give you whatever you ask in My name. Choose to believe in the power of God through prayer.

        • We have the promise of God’s presence in our life. If you obey my commands, My Father and I will come and make our abode, our home with you. 

        • The promise of Divine peace. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

We have our mission. We are knowledgeable about the enemy. We have Divine resources. Make the right choice today! Choose to follow Jesus.

—Randall Caselman

Written By

Bella Vista Church of Christ


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